Hustle in the USA

He got out, banged on the headlight and it came back on!

My friends and I were leaving the Grand Hyatt Hotel in Nashville via an Uber and an old, worn out Kia pulled up. My friend confirmed the driver’s name and we all got in.

He was a young immigrant. The car was old and not in the best shape but something about this guy was cool, I could just tell.

Since I was getting good vibes, before he put the car in gear I mentioned his headlight was out. he said “for real” In disbelief.

I told him “for real” as he was exiting the car. He looked and saw the driver’s side headlight was out. He banged on it and it came on!

He explains that it has a short in the wiring and he can only do this once and it gives him 24 hours to replace.

Amazed at this guy I listen more intently.

He tells us that he has gone through a lot with this car he bought for only $1,200 sixteen months ago and 100,000 miles ago!

Yes, 100,000 miles in 16 months!

See this guy is on a mission. He’s hustling because he has a purpose.

He's hustling in the USA to make his dreams come true.

Here’s his hustle:

He opened a car lot and needed capital to buy cars to sell. So, he took the tools available, a $1,200 Kia and his time not building the car lot, and went at it HARD!

He started driving Uber/Lyft and he quickly learned the Downtown Nashville area was very busy and profitable as an rideshare driver. Mile after mile he made money while he improved his skills driving rideshare and building his car lot.

This is how America was built! Hustle. Resourcefulness. Determination. Independence.

Now, think about what you want, really want. Then, make a plan. Find someone that has done it or just go start and persist. You will accomplish what you want if you stay focused on it and hustle in the USA.